============================================================================================== README ============================================================================================== The zipped tar ball containing 68 files in total (2 for each interacting protein families: total of 34 pairs of families). The files names are self-explanatory with the suffix representing the number of sequences in each file. With these suffixes and file names, you should be able to pair-up interacting protein families. As far as the specificity information: for a pair of interacting protein families, represented by files A and B containing the sequences, the i_th sequence in file A interacts with the i_th sequence in file B. The same holds for files A.dst and B.dst, where the protein in row i of A.dst interacts with protein in row i of B.dst. So, before running MORPH or any other algorithm for the protein interaction specificity problem, one should permute the order of sequences (if sequences files are used to generate matrices) or the order of proteins in the matrices (if matrices are used directly) in each of the files and see whether the algorithm pairs up the correct binding partners. Email Raja Jothi at jothi @ mail.nih.gov if you may have any questions. ==============================================================================================